Session 9 – Design and Development Project continued…

June 3, 2008
This week I began to construct my project. This atypical challenge soon took on several metamorphic characteristics of its own. A Greek Hydra of sorts where conquered problems led to additional development trials. The most prominent defeat was in my struggle to integrate a database into the current flash application.   



June 5, 2008
Creativity is being fostered with additional cups of coffee. Here’s a brief status report:

·         Create video screen

·         Assessment buttons are needed to advance learner to assessment page

·         Require 3 different tests for each of Bloom’s critical thinking taxonomy

·         The analysis section stutters, the timeline is awkward.

·         video buttons are needed for selection of case-study

·         Require  return button for home page critical thinking selection

·         Require  return buttons on each assessment page for each higher order taxonomy section.

·         Frame titles for the 3 analysis videos are temporarily labeled but will have to be renamed once the video has been integrated into the learning resource.

·         assignment buttons are required for assessments

·         A text box for the application assessment is required in the Application section of the learning resource

·         Still researching case-study’s for learning resource




Session 8 – Design and Development Project

This week I focused on creating the design for the development project. I used my case-based reasoning research as a foundation point and Bloom’s higher-order cognitive development domains as instructional methods and assessment tools. I decided to create a Flash application with the idea of future expansion in its capability of adding scenario-cases through the use of a database.The front-end or index page would offer the learner to select one of three domains listed in their higher order of: analysis, synthesis or application. A described button for each of these three upper tiers of Bloom’s taxonomy would direct the user to a particular section that focuses on that particular domain.

For instance

The Analysis Button will direct the learner to the analysis domain area for a prescribed instructional method and assessment. Analysis involves the learner to play a role in realizing the construct of the components. The strategy to evaluate analysis requires the presenting of large amounts of data which the learner is required to remove a smaller piece of the existing data and apply it to an association.


The Synthesis Button will direct the learner to the synthesis domain area for a prescribed instructional method and assessment. In synthesis it is the learning level where problem solving judgment is used to take apart a model or hypothesis and put it back together again creating a new model or hypothesis. In synthesis the learner’s process for analysis is in breaking the concept down into the correlation of its smaller parts and creates a unique model or hypothesis.

The Evaluation Button will direct the learner to the evaluation domain area for a prescribed instructional method and assessment. The evaluation learning level includes all the preceding levels of learning within Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy. In support, the lower learning levels validate the learner’s ability to distinguish previously learned information, comprehend previous information through recall and apply this information to future conditions. Students in turn develop learning skills which allow a proficiency to examine and reconstruct information in a unique process. It is at this domain that requires the learner to develop a reason, build a viewpoint or determine a conclusion.     ###


Session 7 – IRB Components: Informed Consent Form and Debriefing Statement

This week I included with the IRB, an informed consent form and a debriefing statement.


After reviewing the information in achieving the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI), I used the perspective of being a test subject. I immediately recognized the standpoint of test subjects being entitled to receive a written consent form that provides information explaining: details of the study’s purpose, the tests and procedures used throughout the investigation. The revealing of possible risks and benefits of the study accentuated great importance in clarifying that the test subject who signs the consent form does not have to stay in the study and can quit the study at any time.


In my writing a debriefing statement, I began questioning the importance of a quantitative research approach for my project thesis.

The research, assessment and test subject analysis doesn’t withhold any particular information from the written consent form negating a requirement of explaining why information could not be provided in the consent form. The importance however, of the debriefing statement is to provide an explanation in how the test subjects relate to the purpose of the research, and providing researcher contact information in the event of additional questions regarding the learning resource project.   ###

Session 6 – The Institutional Review Board (IRB)

This week’s assignment proved to be helpful in refining parts of my project’s thesis in the areas of analysis, design and subject (experimental group) assessment.


In my working through the assignments the OHRP Human Subjects Informational History Video (requires QuickTime) kept tearing becoming unviewable. Dr. Newberry’s How to fill out an IRB (PowerPoint used in IRB training) video however, proved to be very helpful as a procedural guide.

The Mandatory CITI Human Subjects Training Module website is most interesting in providing the history of protecting human test subjects. I did notice that while the Belmont Report defines and delineates between “Practice” and “Research” as Principles of Justice; the report doesn’t describe the necessity to effectively manage conflicts.   ###

Session 5 – Literature Review

Ok, the following is my break-down for my literature review:




 I  Critical Thinking

a) Critical Thinking Skills

b) Reflective Thinking

c) Creative Thinking

d) Critical Thinking


II Case-scenarios and structured conflict

a) Effectiveness

b) Enhancement


lll Critical thought development within learning strategies in case-scenario usage

a) Problem Solving

b) Decision Making

c) Clinical Judgment

d) Experiential Learning

e) Teacher-Directed Learning




Session 4 – The Great Hunt for Literature

In my writing for the literature review for my thesis I’ve discovered that I still have questions on my analysis and critical thinking content placement in chapters 1 and 3.


I did reorganize the analysis/critical thinking content areas but I’m not confident in how much referenced subject matter should be placed in chapters 2 and 3.  ###

Session 3 – Full Literature Review

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” – Albert Einstein


This weeks’ venturing through articles for my literature review granted me insight on Einstein’s thought provoking words in reference to my project thesis on critical thinking. I’ve found that my approach is not established in a particular position of distinctive thought. It has developed across a faction of joint metacognitive ideologies which can enhance the application of the critical thinking process through case-based reasoning.


The pretense of a learner’s task is to analyze the stated case for the underlying problem, the symptoms or indicators, its causes and a listing of solutions not only differ in theory and practice but also in its published results. At this point there exists a vast argument over a learner’s appropriate metacognition within the process of problem solving and critical thinking. These published models within the literature review indicate that perhaps there is an incomplete approach to learning through the traditional method of using case studies to enhance a learner’s knowledge.


Higher-order thinking skills are defined as those cognitive skills that allow students to function at the analysis, synthesis and evaluation levels of Bloom’s taxonomy. I intend to continue my research and discussion on the utilization of additional methods such as reflection, negotiation and experiential modes that contribute toward a more complete result in critical thinking within the case-based reasoning approach to learning.   ###



Session 2 – The Preliminary Thesis: a Prelude to Disaster?

As I worked on the template I encountered a point of frustration in the technical area of importing tables into the document: for the life of me I could not cut/paste nor insert/import any of my tables into the template. The table scrambles itself across the page with no consistency of its original composition.


Did anyone else experience this difficulty?   ###  

Session 1 – Thoughts About My Topic and Progress to Date

My topic concerns the importance of the Case-Based Reasoning Learning Resource. My viewpoint focuses on the area of primary benefits of structured conflict and its ability to facilitate the students’ critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and appreciation for the value of alternative perspectives. My project vision is to create a stand alone learning/teaching resource that enhances the development of cognitive thinking using case-based reasoning. 